I owe you sleep
I would have savored it
If i knew that was it
I would have chewed every bite
32 times
But maybe we chewed too much
Tore tough flesh down to the bone
We chewed and chewed
Until it became textureless, unrecognizable
Digesting in our mouths
I want to hear the room ring
I want to feel the earth shake
I want to climb inside myself and back out again
I want to see the world through the eyes of desire
It is a privilege to know the pain of needing someone;
a lesson in the fear of being forgotten and
the joy of being remembered
Bare feet in wet grass
Ripped clothes and broken glass
If I knew hours could be lost
If i knew time could be a debt
If I knew something blunt could cut so deep
If I knew I could owe you sleep…
I wouldn’t change a thing